Monday, November 25, 2013

Thankfully Reading Weekend 2013

The Thankfully Reading Weekend is hosted by Jenn at Jenn's Bookshelves and Jennifer from Literate Housewife. It runs from November 29 to December 1, 2013.

If you are interested in signing up, the sign up post is on Jenn's Blog.

I haven't done very much in the way of challenges or blogging events this year. I might even fail at doing this one; but I am going to attempt to find my reading mojo this weekend and at least read a bit. I was hoping that having all my books unpacked and in one place would help with the slow reading year; but there just always seems to be one more thing to do. I am looking forward to things calming down and me getting a chance to get back to things I enjoy. Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck!! I am going to attempt to participate in this as well, but will only be really active the first couple of days. I've got big plans the rest of the weekend!!

  2. This sounds like fun but I'll be working all weekend.

  3. Reading mojo is a terrible thing to lose! All the best for a thorough recovery over the holiday weekend.

  4. Good luck, good luck, good luck! I'm hoping to participate myself...I can definitely use the extra reading time!

  5. Good luck! I hope you're able to get some of your reading mojo back.


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