Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Authors I Have Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke & the Bookish.

This is kind of random based on what popped into my head!

1. Agatha Christie
2. Stieg Larsson
3. Gillian Flynn
4. George Eliot
5. E.L. James
6. Jean Plaidy
7. Chuck Palahniuk
8. Markus Zusak
9. Matthew Quick
10. Enid Blyton


  1. I have read a few of these, you are in for a treat when you get to them!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. GASP! Markus Zusak? I have no words!!! Just..just...GASP! :)

    1. HA! I was thinking the VERY same thing!

    2. If you only read one more book in 2014, I do hope you'll read The Book Thief.

  3. So are you interested in reading these? Agatha Christie go for it, And Then There Were None is a great start.

  4. I'm always somewhat shocked when I find anyone who has managed to not read any Agatha Christie. Her books are everywhere and all of the tv and movie adaptations put the stories and characters out there all of the time too. The nice thing is that they're almost all quick reads so you can give her a try without too much investment. Some of those other authors on your list take a much larger commitment!

  5. You haven't read Markus Zusak? I can't believe it! You must fix this right away!

  6. You know, it took me forever to finally discover Agatha Christie and I call myself a mystery fan! :)
    And, I agree with others, you must read Markus Zusak!

  7. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Chuck! That is another author I haven't read!

    If you do read Gillian Flynn, read her books in order of publication. ;-)

    There are a lot of authors on your list that I LOVE! Stieg Larsson novels are dark and gritty and really addicting! I love Gillian, and Matthew Quick is becoming one of my favorite story-tellers!

  8. Ha! I have yet to complete a book by Markus Zusak, too, no matter how often I have been recommended his books!

  9. Just shock, that non Agatha Christie readers exist! LOL

  10. I've only read a couple of Agatha Christies, tbh, so you're in good company. :-)

  11. I've read Flynn, Zusak, Blyton and EL James. Apart from the last I'd recommend them all. Eliot and Plaidy are on my list.

  12. You are so broadly read that a few of these surprised me--like Agatha Christie. I just would have bet big money that you'd read her. I, on the other hand, am not so well-read and could probably make a list a quarter mile long for this category. :P

  13. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Are these all authors you hope to try someday? Because it looks like you have been given quite an endorsement on two you MUST get to soon, huh?

  14. adore #1. will never read #2 or #3. Read #4 in college. don't know who #5-9 are. Own one book by #10.

  15. It is kind of odd to see Enid Blyton on your list. She was so much a part of my childhood that I guess I just assumed that she would have been in Canada too. I knew that she never was really big in America.

  16. I've only read 3 authors on that list and, of the 3, only 1 was outstanding.

  17. I've read a handful but nothing on there is anything I think you have to go out and read immediately.

  18. Other than Agatha Christie (for shame!) we have a lot in common. I've only read Gillian Flynn and that was Gone Girl which I only read for book club! It was good though.

  19. Oh you just HAVE to read The Book Thief!!!

  20. Oh my goodness- you've never read Agatha Christie? May I suggest And Then There Were None by her? One of my very favorite mysteries that I've read by her and it is a popular one I believe. What a fun topic!

  21. You've got some great authors on this list!! Though I don't think I will ever read EL James!

    I know a lot of people recommend The Book Thief for Zusak, but I liked I Am The Messenger even more!! I definitely recommend him, either way!


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