Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Florida Pictures... Some of Them, Anyway!

So, after getting home from Florida, and while in Florida, I haven't been reading or blogging. Need to work on that... So, here are some pictures!


  1. How fun! I love the photos, Kelly. I have never been to Florida myself.

  2. Oh Kelly, what particularly cruel pictures to post today of all days!

    (looks like a wonderful trip, and weather!)

  3. We were there in November so I recognize many of your photos!

  4. Hope you had a blast and good weather :)

    I've only been to Disney World and that was many years ago. Would like to visit the Florida Keys one day.

  5. I would love to go to Florida Keys one day, or anywhere on holidays really.

  6. Great job, Kelly! Love your night pictures.

  7. Wonderful! Looks like you had a great time. :-)

  8. I recognize a few of those places. Looks like a fun trip!

  9. It looks like you had such a fun time! We go to Florida for Disney in May. I cannot wait to see my kiddos' faces when we are actually there :)

  10. Looks like a fabulous holiday Kailana!

  11. Gorgeous shots, Kelly! Looks like you all fit quite a bit of fun into your vacation, huh? :D


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