Monday, June 27, 2016

30 Days of Books ~ Day 29

Day 29 ~ A Book Everyone Hated But You Loved

I honestly have no idea... I am sure there is something in my archives, but it has been so long that I would have read those books that I can't remember what other people thought of them! Now, if this prompt was book that everyone loved and I hated, I could write a list... Like, I enjoyed The Hunger Games, but was less than excited about the sequels. I loved The Knife of Never Letting Go, but then lost interest in the rest of the trilogy. (It is mostly because my favourite character died...) Twilight was okay, but the sequels bothered me. And, I just plain never fell for Harry Potter. This list could go on...


  1. It does seem easier to come up with books we hate that everyone else likes, huh? That's how I felt about The Girl on the Train. It seems like EVERYONE loved it and I was so bored.

    1. I haven't read that one yet, but I do own it!

  2. I'm with you on The Hunger Games. I didn't love it and didn't get the hype. I didn't even read the other two books.

    1. Lorrie really liked the movies, but I don't get why. He never read the books. I just felt it was all very overdone.

  3. Yeah, I usually hate books that everyone loves so this was a hard prompt.


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