Saturday, April 07, 2007

Thinking Blogger Awards

Very cool thing, I got nominated by Stephanie, from Stephanie's Confessions of a Book-a-holic for one of the Thinking Blogger Awards that has been circulating around the blogosphere. To be honest, as much as I am thrilled to be nominated, I hate having to pick five blogs that I like above all others. Thanks for the nod, though, Stephanie. I am very glad you took the plunge and got a blog! I love having one, I think they are fun to update and read.

Here are the rules of the Thinking Blogger Awards:

1. If you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Link to that post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display your "Thinking Blogger Award" with a link to the post that you wrote.

My list:

Marg from Reading Adventures is a given. If it wasn't for her, I may never have joined the blogsphere. Plus she writes great reviews and gives me lots of recommendations for my TBR list.

Sassymonkey from Sassymonkey Reads has always been one of my favourite blogs to read. She's also likes me and has a hard time making lists of my favourite things because I do not want to leave anything out!

booklogged from A Reader's Journal, lots of great book-related posts on this one.

Angela from SciFiChick. I read a lot of fantasy now, but once upon a time my genre of choice was sci-fi. The more I read Angela's blog, the more I start glancing in the sci-fi section at the store. Reading her blog is like revisiting old friends, and one of these days, I will start reading the books again.

As for the last one. I just cannot decide! There are a lot of great blogs other there. I am going to say Daphne from Tanzanite's Shelf and Stuff. A realitively new blog, but I have enjoyed reading all her posts and stuff so far.

I really like all the blogs I visit. I would not visit people otherwise, but if I had to choose, there are my five. Of course, I really like Stephanie's blog too, but she nominated me first.


  1. Thank you so much!! We just got back from our vacation and after 10 days and 2 twelve hour trips in the car with my family, this was a pleasant little surprise to bring me out of my "dark mood" that wants to kill them!

  2. I am glad you enjoyed it. I was all about the surprises :)


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