Monday, April 27, 2009

A Decision

Okay, it is official. I am so very uninterested in reviewing books and blogging lately. I think I got a bit burnt out or I am feeling overwhelmed in other avenues of my life... or something. So, I am taking a computer break! I will be checking my email, but otherwise I am going to take some time and clear my head. Maybe get caught up on some reading! I have no idea how long this is going to last. It could be just a couple days or even longer than that!

Until then, hope all is well with everyone!

(And, Chris, I will still read Charlaine Harris and all that jazz. Ditto to Drood and Tender Morsels, Vasilly!)


  1. I'll miss you, Kelly! But a break did me a world of good, and I hope the same is the case with you. Take care!

  2. That's nice of you to let people know! We'll be watching for you and hope you get everything wrapped up that you need to. I think we've all been there.

  3. I for one will miss your posts...but I also TOTALLY understand the need to take a break from time to time. Happy reading!

  4. I definitely understand. But know that you'll be missed! Enjoy your break, whatever you decide to do!

  5. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Enjoy your break away from the computer! Hope to see you back.

  6. Happy break, Kelly! I wish you many bright, sunny days whilst you're away.


  7. Hugs & best wishes. I hope your break rejuvenates you!

  8. I've an award for you, Kailana! Please pick it up when you've the time, and enjoy your break! :)

  9. Enjoy your time off :)

  10. You'll definitely be missed, I hope to see you back soon!

  11. I think something is going around ;) Enjoy your break. I hope you feel refreshed when you come back.

  12. I'll miss you! Hope the break is refreshing and brings you back with new enjoyment.

  13. totally understand where you are coming from. Relax and enjoy your break! Hugs, love and blessings to you.

  14. We'll miss your posts but I'm sure you'll have lots of books to tell us about when you are back.

    Go read, relax and enjoy the break! :)

  15. Have a good break Kelly - enjoy it, relax and find some wonderful books to curl up with! :)

  16. Know how you feel. Some of recent reviews just aren't that great because I'm having a hard time making my review muse work. Sometimes for me it's as easy as changing my font or my font size while writing, other times I change my blog background and for some reason it helps pull me out of my funk!

    Enjoy your break!!!

  17. You'll be missed but I do understand where it is you're coming from. Take care.

  18. I hope you enjoy your time away, Kelly. I do know what you mean about needing a break. I'm taking one for the next week and a half. I have a hard time staying away though when I do take a break, but I really need one just the same.

  19. Enjoy your break, Kelly! I'll miss you, but these breaks are very important.

  20. I'll miss you Kelly! I will be here when you return!

  21. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Enjoy your break, seems the time of year a lot of people are taking some time off. Come back soon though and tell us what you thought of Charlaine Harris.

  22. Breaks are good - enjoy yourself! See you when you get back. :-)

  23. Anonymous1:59 PM

    You take care during your break, Kailana! I'll miss you too, but you focus on what's right for you and enjoy yourself! *sends good thoughts*

  24. Thanks everyone! I guess I am back sooner than I planned, but even a couple days was nice! I won't start posting reviews until Monday or Tuesday, though. I am going to pretend that I am still on break and have a computer quiet weekend!


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