Saturday, May 14, 2011

Short Story Saturday - A New Project

A definitive sourcebook of folk tales and fairy tales and the first of its kind to feature a variety of multicultural heroines, this book of 100 stories celebrates strong female heroines across time and space.
I bought this book on a whim quite a while ago, but just never got around to reading it. When it turned out that both Amy and I owned it, we decided that we should divide it up into sections and read it together. We were going to start today, but I sort of lost track of time. So, instead we are introducing the new project. I am really excited about this collection overall, so I look forward to exploring all the different stories included.

As it stands right now, we will read 12 stories for next Saturday. Then, we will answer questions on our blogs about the stories. It is essentially the same idea as my current read-along with Carl of the Charles de Lint collection. Hopefully you will join us as we explore stories of women from all over the world.


  1. I bought that book a while back (and of as usual, haven't read it yet). I really hope you both enjoy it!!!

  2. Yay! So glad you got in touch about reading something together and that we thought of this one. Should be a ton of fun :)

  3. Anonymous11:18 PM

    yay! have this one, so I will be able to follow along! look forward to listening in on your reading.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  4. *Debi: I remember when you bought it, but couldn't remember if you reviewed it.

    *Amy: It will be fun!

    *contemplatrix: Yay!


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