Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week in Review (19)

Random Thoughts

This is the week of the great Blogger Catastrophe. I understand that these things happen, but I lost comments and that makes me sad. I was able to read them through my email, but they are no longer showing up on the actual blog. That was a major fail!

It was also a great reading week. I read more than I have been lately, so I am happy. I enjoyed everything that I read, so that's always a bonus!

Challenge News

I had read plenty of fiction, watched lots of movies, and even read short stories for the Once Upon a Time Challenge, but I hadn't read any non-fiction. This week I finished two that would count, so I have finished the challenge. Anything I read from this point on is just an added bonus.

Weekly Reads

100. Empire of Ruins: The Hunchback Assignments III by Arthur Slade (Completed May 8, 2011)
101. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White (Paranormalcy, Book 1) (Completed May 9, 2011)
102. Dragon Seer by Janet McNaughton (Completed May 10, 2011)
103. The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest of Hands and Teeth Trilogy, Book 3) by Carrie Ryan (Completed May 11, 2011)
104. The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia by Laura Miller (Completed May 12, 2011)
105. The Return of the Shadow: The History of the Lord of the Rings - Part 1 by J.R.R. Tolkien and Christoper Tolkien (Completed May 13, 2011)
106. The Beauty Chorus by Kate Lord Brown (Completed May 14, 2011)

Currently Reading: The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley

(Off-topic, but I read 7 books and only 2 of them were library books... It makes me happy that I am actually reading my own books!)

Weekly Posts

Short Story Saturday - A New Project

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...

Nothing this week...

The Passage by Justin Cronin
Gone With a Handsomer Man by Michael Lee West
Vaclav & Lena by Haley Tanner


  1. Yay for reading your own books! :)

  2. I hope you review The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia!

  3. I read somewhere that eventually the comments that we are missing will come back too. I sure hope that it is true! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Paranormalcy as it is one that I've been wanting to read.

  4. You read seven books this week?! That is great! Keep it up! I really need to start reading short stories again. I have so many collections just sitting on my tbr shelves.

  5. Kudos on reading more from your stacks. I really really need to work on that. :P

  6. *Vanessa: Thanks!

    *Pat: I plan to. :)

    *Samantha: I hope so!

    *Vasilly: Thanks!

    *Amy: I am happy with it, but it might not last...


Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.