Friday, July 06, 2012

July in Review

What I Learned

I am not having much luck with the whole reading thing lately. It is just sad because there is so much that I want to read... It is making me sad that everything is piling up. I am sure that is not helping... And, I keep buying books here and there hoping something will snap me out of this horrendous slump. For me, my numbers are just depressing. I can do better! It is killing my excitement level. I have received some wonderful looking books in the last couple days that I can't wait to read, but that means actually reading... I am really hoping something will click soon. I have even tried not trying to read at all and obviously that didn't work either. Rereading was a bust. Sometimes reading short books makes me feel accomplished, so I went on a bit of a comic spree the end of the month... Nothing... In general I am just very disappointed with 2012.

New To Me Authors

Ken Budd (The Voluntourist)
Patricia Wood (Lottery)
Michael A. Rothman (Heirs of Prophecy)
Selwyn Seyfu Hinds (Dominique Laveau)
Dan Abnett (The New Deadwardians)
Paul Cornell (Saucer County)

Series Talk

Bess Crawford Series - 4/4 - Caught up!
Fairest Series: 4/4 - Caught up!

The rest of the comics were just to have a preview, so I am not counting them unless I decide to read on.

The Source

Review: 5
Library: 1
Borrowed from Friend: 4
Comic Previews: 3

What I Read

103. The Voluntourist by Ken Budd (Completed June 1, 2012)
104. A Bitter Truth (Bess Crawford Series, Book 3) by Charles Todd (Completed June 5, 2012)
105. Lottery by Patricia Wood (Completed June 5, 2012)
106. The Dog Lived (And So Will I) by Teresa Rhyne (Completed June 14, 2012)
107. An Unmarked Grave (Bess Crawford Series, Book 4) by Charles Todd (Completed June 15, 2012)
108. Heirs of Prophecy by Michael A. Rothman (Completed June 17, 2012)
109. Fairest Issue 1: Wide Awake by Bill Willingham (Completed June 22, 2012)
110: Fairest Issue 2: Run! by Bill Willingham (Completed June 22, 2012)
111. Fairest Issue 3: Party Crasher by Bill Willingham (Completed June 22, 2012)
112. Fairest Issue 4: Man on a Ledge by Bill Willingham (Completed June 22, 2012)
113. Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child Issue 1 by Selwyn Seyfu Hinds (Completed June 22, 2012)
114. The New Deadwardians Issue 1 by Dan Abnett (Completed June 22, 2012)
115. Saucer County Issue 1 by Paul Cornell (Completed June 22, 2012)

Books Added to the TBR Pile

I did a very bad job of keeping track... 


  1. As I've been on a bit of a reading slow down for the last few weeks, I know where your coming from… I hope you kick the slump soon!

  2. I'm only reading maybe 30 min. a day right now. For several weeks, I was reading frantically, as much as 5-6 hours a night, but now, another slow down. The book I'm reading (The Secret Lives of Codebreakers) is fascinating, but I still only read on breaks.

    Reading fluctuations can be frustrating, but they always resolve themselves. You'll make it through this cycle and begin reading obsessively again. :)

  3. I've found ritualistic reading works best for me. Having a specific time to read helps. Like if you take the bus or train to work. A nice hour of dead time to put into reading. Its harder to get into reading if you don't have periods like this throughout the day. I have two kids under 2 and I drive to a job that requires me to be butt in chair for 9 hours a day. So if I want to read I have to steal time every minute where I find it. This isn't so good for novels though. :(

  4. I hate reading slumps! I hope you figure out how to break yours soon. And reading numbers-wise, your list is still pretty impressive.

  5. I wish I had your numbers :p But I'm so sorry to hear you've been in a reading slump and I hope it picks up for you!! I really need to start reading more too!! It's just finding the damn time to do it in :(

  6. Sometimes having so many choices can make it hard to choose! I hope you are able to find something to read that gets you back into reading again. Sometimes just taking a break from it all together can help. At least for me.

  7. Oh wow! I hope you come out of this slump soon.

  8. I'm sorry to hear the slump is continuing, Kailana. That is so frustrating when that happens, isn't it? I'm way behind too, though I've stopped worrying about it. I have so many books started and not finished...and then I manage to read one and feel so proud! lol You do realize you have read in one month almost half of what I've read all year! Just so you don't feel so badly, though I know you read much more and more faster than I do. Slumps suck, don't they?


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