Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Merry Early Christmas to Me!

For years I always put money aside so I could buy myself a few books before Christmas. This was mainly because growing up I rarely, if ever, received any as gifts. Nowadays I have better luck in that department, but I decided to return to that tradition this year. I can still remember some of the authors I have read and discovered because of these 'little' splurges. This year I gave myself 10 weeks and 20 dollars every two weeks to order one book. I ordered a couple online, though, so I am actually two weeks ahead. But, it was either that or pay shipping.

I started with the 50th Anniversary Edition of A Wrinkle of Time by Madeleine L'Engle. I love her books and was very disappointed I was not asked to participate in the large blog tour for her release. I bought it from the UK and it has this cover:
You would probably not be surprised I have been tempted to also buy the American edition... I actually have A Wrinkle in Time 4 or 5 times all ready. I recently found the boxed set at a thrift store.

Then, Fairest came out in trade paperback. I had to have that for sure!
And, finally, finally there was the release of Werewolves of the Heartland. I got to read an ARC on my tablet, but I still had to have the pretty physical copy. I imagine I will have to revisit the comic before I add it to my collection.
Then I decided to get a comic series to try. I am always caught up on Fables and The Unwritten and want a new project to occupy my time. I decided that after enjoying Pride of Baghdad so much I was going to read Brian K. Vaughan. They have released the series in hardcover collected editions, so I have decided to go that route instead of buying the individual trades.

And, my last arrival will be, also unsurprisingly, the graphic novel edition of A Wrinkle in Time. I really hope I like it. I have hummed and hawed about buying it since it came out... This was the 5th purchase so hasn't arrived yet.
I have spent a lot of money on books lately...


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I hope you love Y: The Last Man! I adore that series and can't recommend it enough =)

  2. Amazing haul :D I was supposed to have received an ARC of the Hope Larson adaptation of Wrinkle, but it never arrived :( Hopefully the library will get it at some point.

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    !!!! There's a graphic novel of A Wrinkle in Time?! I must get my hands on it. Hope you enjoy your books!

  4. A Wrinkle in Time graphic novel!??!!! Omg Love!

    I hope to start the Fables series in January! Weeeeee!!!!

  5. What a great idea to treat yourself to save to treat yourself to books at Christmas!

  6. Those look perfect for you! Enjoy!


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