Sunday, December 02, 2012

November in Review

What I Learned

Reading slumps suck. My TBR pile has gotten insanely out of control and I am not reading to help it out. This is the first monthly post I have done since July. That's mainly because I haven't really read since July. I am all out of whack. I feel unsettled when I don't read. And overwhelmed. I had to take a bunch of my TBR pile and put it in storage because a.) I needed room for the books I am getting for Christmas (don't say anything...) and b.) because my books were starting to stress me out. I got a big order of books last year for Christmas, did my annual Christmas shopping with gift cards, and then I had all kinds of credit because of my big book purge last year. This meant a lot of books. This would be fine if my reading didn't die off to almost non-existent. (Actually, it was non-existent for a bit there.) So, I am trying to get back into a groove. I mostly only read graphic novels, most of them review copies on my tablet, but at least it is reading. I have to start somewhere. And, I read 17 books! I am excited I was able to manage that.

The Books

131. Chew - Volume 1: Taster's Choice by John Layman and Rob Guillory (Completed November 6, 2012)
132. Hopeless, Maine - Volume 1: Personal Demons by Nimue and Tom Brown (Completed November 6, 2012)
133. Cursed Pirate Girl: The Collected Edition - Volume 1 by Jeremy Bastian (Completed November 6, 2012)
134. Max Overacts Volume 1 by Caanan Grall (Completed November 6, 2012)
135. Fables: Werewolves of the Heartland by Bill Willingham & Company (Completed November 6, 2012)
136. Trevor: A Novella by James Lecesne (Completed November 6, 2012)
137. Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon (Completed November 7, 2012) 138. Farthing (Small Change Trilogy, Book 1) by Jo Walton (Completed November 24, 2012)
139. Alice in Wonderland by Raven Gregory, Robert Gill, and Jason Embury (Completed November 25, 2012)
140. The Queen's Army (Lunar Chronicles, Volume 1.5) by Marissa Meyer (Completed November 25, 2012)
141. Mankind: The Story of All of Us - Volume 1 by Mary Wolfman & Company (Completed November 25, 2012)
142. Mankind: The Story of All of Us - Volume 2 by Mary Wolfman & Company (Completed November 25, 2012)
143. World War I: History in an Hour by Rupert Colley (Completed November 25, 2012)
144. Agent Gates and the Secret Adventures of Devonton Abbey by Camaren Subhiyah and Kyle Hilton (Completed November 25, 2012)
145. August Moon by Diana Thung (Completed November 25, 2012)
146. Glitter Kiss by Adrianne Ambrose (Completed November 26, 2012)
147. Iron: Or, the War After by Shane-Michael Vidaurri (Completed November 26, 2012)

The Source

Review Copy: 12
Gift: 2
Bought: 2
Read Online: 1

Postcard Project
Trish sent me a postcard from Hawaii! If everyone sends the promised cards, I just need Alabama... Can anyone help with Alabama? It is my last little card. I am at 45 out of 50 right now. I have postcards hopefully coming from Connecticut, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Delaware. 

I joined Postcrossing, so I am hoping to have some postcards to share soon! I have sent a bunch, but am still waiting for my arrivals to start...


I have been a bit slack on taking pictures lately. I do end up keeping up with #photoaday (Now called #FMSphotoaday), but I haven't been as creative lately as I would like. I need to do better. I am getting a new camera for Christmas and I am very excited. This lead to me signing up for some online photography courses yesterday... The first one isn't until February and is in editing. The actual first photography course that was available wasn't until April. So, I have a wait ahead of me... In the meantime there is a book about my new camera out that explains all the settings and things. That will be added to my book pile after Christmas.


  1. I'm sorry, you've read almost 150 books this year and are talking about a reading slump?! I think you're fine :-)

  2. Oh Kelly, I'm sorry you are in your slump again. Although your totals are not shabby! not at all! Still, it's hard when you don't read the way you want to. I've been reading very slowly the past few months, and my TBR pile is grown so much that I think I might take the plunge and not buy any books (after Christmas that is!) in the new year. Join that challenge.....I have piles of books to catch up on!

    So long as you got good books with all those gift certificates and stuff, books you know you want to read, then at least you know they are there waiting for you to get to.

  3. You did great this month, Kelly! I read 16 books, nearly the highest number of the year, so I'm making some progress too. The Buffy comics I read certainly helped :P

  4. 17 is not bad! Courage!

  5. OMG! I can't believe that you're still going through a slump! Ugh! I hope it ends this month.

  6. If that's a reading slump... you're doing really well! Putting away books is a good idea if it's stressing you out, though. Less pressure, more reading when you want :)

  7. I think your reading in November was fantastic! In the midst of our move and adjusting to a new home, I only read 6 books last month. :(

    Also, I wanted to give you a head's up to click over to my blog and enter the Essay Challenge giveaway.

  8. Hmmm. Maybe stop keeping track of the books you need to read? I did this two years ago and it was pretty liberating. I didn't read as much but I also didn't stress as much either. Now I don't stress about it at all unless I have a book club book I'm trying to fit in. Reading slumps do suck but so does the pressure. :(

    And yay postcard! It's actually the same one I got for Care but it was the only good one I could find! Isn't that sad?

  9. I've been seeing reviews, so I thought you were over your reading slump! That sucks that you aren't, but I say 17 books in a month is not too shabby. I think you beat me!

    I think putting the books in storage is a great idea. I would also completely ignore review copies. Sometimes, the pressure to read and review them will prevent me from wanting to read them (or anything else) at all. It can't hurt, right?

    Good luck, Kelly! You'll get back into the swing of things soon. I just know it!


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