Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week in Review - Week 35

Random Thoughts

Hi! I keep meaning to try and do more than my weekly update... Not happening. I will wrap-up August and then maybe the fall will be better for blogging and reading? We will see. This last week had me cleaning, working, and sleeping. For fun I added books to Libib and am almost done my physical TBR. Then on to audiobooks and e-books. I have been doing really well with the treadmill so that means audiobooks are happening, too. And, I take pictures of course... Otherwise, I played with my planner and bullet journal. I am having lots of fun with my planner and need to stay off of Etsy... And then there is always Mackie, Casey, and Finn. 

Graphic Novel Year

Currently Reading


Weekly Reading

The Regional Office is Under Attack! ~ audio ~ I have heard lots of positive buzz about this book and really enjoyed it! I listened to it pretty quickly because it was a good story to get caught up in and want to know what happens next! I mean this is a book about a secret group of female assassins and we get a chance to meet some of them during the course of this book. It was a fun idea and I enjoyed all of the strong women we meet in this book. The world needs more books with strong women. Definitely recommended!

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 34

Weekly Pictures


  1. I think you're doing great with just keeping up with a weekly post--I can't even seem to manage that. Not that I'll complain if you post more often, of course. :) I've never heard of Libib, but will have to go google to find out what you're talking about.

  2. :) Love the pics, Kelly!

  3. I love Mackey pictures! He has so much personality in his expressions! Summer is hard on blogging. I really struggled and am hoping that it will get easier as it cools down. My reading especially took a hit. Have a great week!

  4. I'm not even managing a weekly post so you're doing better than me. Love the white daisy. They're my favorite flower.

  5. I keep hearing about Libib so I checked it out. I like the way it looks and may have to try it out. The thought of cataloging all my books is daunting.

  6. Oooh, now I want to know more about your bullet journal which is a great passion of mine born this summer. Of course, mine isn't all cute and colored like so many examples on the net.

  7. You've almost finished your TBR? I don't even understand the meaning of this sentence.

    Enjoy the rest of your August!

  8. I still have not quite gotten the hang of bullet journaling, but I have much respect for people who use them (or any kind of planner/journal, really, I'm terrible about keeping them up).

    Excellent to see you're into The Regional Office Is Under Attack -- I recommended it to my dear friend and podcast partner recently and she was verrrry underwhelmed. :/

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Same here with me and not blogging much these days! It's so much easier for me to update Instagram or Litsy rather than sitting down at the computer to think of a post!

  10. I love all the photos!
    I may have to pick up The Regional Office is Under Attack! Audio might be a good choice for me too.

  11. Doggie with biscuit = too cute! Isn't Etsy dangerous?! :) Have you checked out Happie Scrappie? She's not on Etsy but has the cutest planner items. Keep up the great work on your treadmill and audiobooks!

  12. Way to go on keeping up with the treadmill! I have fallen by the wayside completely. I can blog daily but can't go for a walk daily. Maybe we need to swap energies for a bit. LOL!

  13. How's the Whitehead? I've seen it on a fair few blogs recently. And on that note, well done on the audiobook front!


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