Sunday, September 04, 2016

Week in Review - Week 36

Random Thoughts

As I said in my August in Review post, I have learned that I just do not read in July and August. It is September and I am all ready feeling the reading vibe again. We will see if it sticks around! I need to find the vibe... I added most of my TBR to Libib and it is a scary number. I am glad I waited to do this project after I did a huge purge at the beginning of the year, because I bet it was a lot higher just a few months ago! So, what have I done so far in September? Read e-books. That helps getting books off my shelf so quickly. lol I haven't done my e-books and audiobooks yet. I am sure that number is scary, too. I really need to work on getting the stacks down. It is a lot more manageable that it used to be because I rarely accept review copies any more, so I definitely read way more than what actually enters my house number-wise. Slumps just happen and I fall very far behind.

Graphic Novel Year

Nothing this week...

Currently Reading


Weekly Reading

The Jewel and her Lapidary ~ I grabbed a copy of this because I have heard good things about Fran Wilde and thought a few novellas might be a good way to ease back into reading. It definitely was enough pique my interest in Wilde's longer books! It was a tragic story let me tell you, but very well done. I really got caught up in it and wish it was longer because I am curious about the events afterwards. But, um, yeah... Very tragic. There was this one scene that will stick with me for a while! Recommended!

Trigger Warning ~ I have been reading this book forever! It isn't that I didn't like it, but I am just so bad at short story collections. I decided Friday night to finally settle in and finish it. That was when I discovered I only had one story left... So, yay, I finished it! Neil Gaiman has grown on me a lot since I first read him years ago. I was not a huge short story reader, still not really, and I just didn't love him like other people do. I still am probably not his biggest fan ever, but I did enjoy a lot of the stories in this collection! Recommended!
The Builders ~ Another attempt to jump start my reading with a novella. This one was a bit longer than the one above and I am not entirely sure what I thought of it to be honest. I didn't hate it or anything, but I didn't love it either. I just enjoyed it, I guess. Polansky did a good job covering the events in just over 200 pages, but I guess I wanted to have things explored more and wish this had been a novel. The characters were very compelling and I wanted to get to know them better. So, not a fault with the book. Just me and my preference for novels over novellas! Recommended!
Nevernight ~ Audio ~ I really liked this one!! I don't read enough longer fantasy books any more. I got into paranormal and so many other genres, they are neglected. And, I am just so bad with series so I really should stop starting new ones... But that is a subject for another day. This was a really good dark fantasy with a strong female character. There were a lot of great secondary characters and Kristoff is not afraid to push the envelope a bit. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait for book 2! Strongly recommended!

New Additions

Supergirl - Volume 2: Breaking the Chain
Batgirl - Volume 3
Pretty Deadly - Volume 2: The Bear

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 35

Weekly Pictures


  1. Love the laundry basket pic--I have trouble with cats jumping up on the dryer if I leave the folded clothes up there for five minutes!

  2. I definitely feel more like reading when summer is over. But life will probably be too crazy for me in the next two weeks to get into reading much. Oh well. We'll get our reading mojo back soon.

  3. I need to find time to clean up my TBR list in LibraryThing. It's so out of date. I never did go back and update it when I did those two major book cullings. Like you, I managed to let go of a lot of books, but still have so many . . . I'm hoping my reading will pick up now that summer is nearly over too. We shall see. I hope your reading mojo comes back to you soon!

    I've heard good things about Nevernight and am glad you enjoyed it.

    Have a great week, Kelly!

  4. I'm glad that you're a little better friends with Neil now. :) I think he actually converted me to being a short story reader. I didn't read/enjoy many before I read his but now I appreciate them more in general. I'm still super picky though and end up skipping quite a few in any collection.

  5. I downloaded Libib but haven't done anything with it - I haven't even created an account. The thought of cataloging all my books is intimidating. Your pup is so cute!

  6. Great photos! I seem to miss everyone when I pop on IG. I'm so discouraged with the new timeline that don't find it fun anymore. :(


  7. LOL--I said I was going to go find out what Libib was last time you mentioned it but I totally forgot. Maybe I'll have better luck this time. But first I must go check the library website to see if they have The Jewel--you definitely left me wanted to get my hands on it!

  8. Beautiful nature photos and of course that Grumpy mug is too cute!

  9. I am so glad you enjoyed Nevernight! Of course, your pictures are gorgeous as always. I feel so boring when I do nothing but show my shoes, my dog, and my planner!

  10. The Jewel and Her Lapidary looks quite good! I've heard good things about Fran Wilde as well, but not necessarily enough to make me want to read a whole novel, if that makes sense? So a novella would be just about right, I think.

  11. Ooh, sunflowers! I love those cheerful flowers at this time of the year! Have a great week! :)

  12. Love the Grumpy mug! I cold use one of those for my morning coffee :)

  13. Oh, I am so happy to be reading your thoughts on The Jewel and her Lapidary! I've been wanting to read Updraft for a while and just got my hands on this story this week so that I could get a taste of the author's writing. I'm planning on reading it soon and now I'll know to expect something good (but tragic).


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