Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week in Review (8)

Random Thoughts

When I am sick I always feel the worst in the morning, so I am sitting here attempting to breath. I thought I had a cold, but I actually think I have my spring allergies early. I just assumed it was a cold because I only have really bad allergies for 2 weeks every year and it is not time yet. The weather has just been so crazy that I think the ground is starting to think it is spring. It better decide it is spring now and not change its mind because being this stuffed up once is enough, thanks. I am not sure what to think of the weather. I know that people are very happy it was mild, but you have to think about the lasting effects. Even out west it was not as cold as normal and that affected the ice roads. The ice roads are used to get much needed supplies to places up north. It is not good for them when the weather is like this. Then, there is the North Pole. The planet used to be covered in ice and now it is shrinking. This means that species like polar bears are losing their natural habitat. It is entirely possible that in my lifetime the polar bears will go extinct in the wild. So, even though I am happy I haven't had to shovel a whole bunch of times this winter, I can't help thinking about the other effects that this strange weather is having.

On another note, don't forget that Tuesday is the next chance to post for the Poetry: Read More/Blog More monthly event. Mr. Linky will be on my blog this month. I hope people will join in!

Challenge News

I read 3 Star Trek books that count for the Science-Fiction Experience.

Weekly Reads

We have been watching a lot of Star Trek lately, so I decided it was about time I actually read some of the many books I have. This was actually a reread, but the rest of the series I am only reading for the first time. This series fills in the details between the movies Star Trek: Insurrection and Star Trek: Nemesis.

 The way this series works is this book and the previous one are like a little duology in the larger series. So, this continues the story set out in the previous book and then the next book in the series is still connected, but it starts a new storyline. The authors work the same way with each of them writing two books. The only exception is the last book which is a standalone and likely will wrap-up everything.

Then, I read 'In My Dreams' from this collection. It is called a novella, even though it is only 50 pages, so I am counting it. I don't really think I will read the rest of the stories, but I enjoy Sarah Addison Allen.

Then, I moved back to Star Trek. I am really enjoying learning all the events that lead to the final movie. There were a lot of things happening that seemed to come from no where. I think if I had read this series before watching the movie I would have enjoyed it more.

So, the charming comedian has a son from a previous relationship and he is reading this series of books. Last week he told me I should read them. I figured 'Why not?'. It will at least give us some common ground, right? I told him yesterday that I had read the first book and it was not too bad. He told me he was on book 8 and I should catch-up. I actually agree because it was hard to talk about the books without him ruining them for me. And, I think he enjoyed that I had actually read one. (Or maybe I am reading something into it that doesn't even exist... Who knows?)

Weekly Posts

What Are You Listening to Wednesday - Week 12
Friday Reads - 8th Edition
Saturday Snapshot - February 25, 2012

New Additions

As far as I can recall... Nothing...


  1. My kids adore those 39 Clues books. We have to make sure they read something else every once in awhile!!

    I'm definitely not happy about the warm winter here. It's been in the 80s several times this past week and that does not bode well for the summer! :(

    1. Yeah, I think in this case it is just amazing that he is reading period. He doesn't very much. Last year he read all of the Bones series, though.

      It's a big deal that it is not getting cold enough to freeze. It also makes shovelling a pain because the ground is muddy under the snow.

  2. I've not read any Star Trek books--unless you count All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek and All The Other Things I Really Need to Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation--though you have made me curious! I'll have to see if my library has any.

    1. Reading Star Trek books is what got me into reading Science-fiction in the first place. Then I kind of stopped... It is fun getting back around to it.

  3. Star Trek! I haven't read actually read any star trek books. I have one I got from a used book store a while ago sitting on my "to be read" pile. I don't remember what its called, just that it has Harry Mudd in it.

    1. I don't care so much about the books that were just novelizations of the shows/movies. I always preferred the ones that were never on TV.

  4. oh no, feel better soon.
    And OMG I am a Trekkie too :) I used to read the books years ago. You're making me want to pick one up again.
    Enjoy your week.

    1. There are so many out there! Some are very good!

  5. I hope you feel better soon.

    I used to read a few TNG books years ago. Peter David was my favourite author but it looks like there are loads of new books now. Glad you're enjoying them.

    1. Peter David writes the New Frontier series. Have you read those? I sort of stalled on them, but I have more on my TBR.

  6. This has been a crazy winter! Hope you feel better soon!

  7. I haven't read any Star Trek books, but I think I'd like them. The 39 Clues looks interesting, too.

    Hope you are feeling better!

    1. Yes, the Star Trek books are fun. I enjoy diving into them here and there. Lately I have been collecting them but then not reading them...

  8. So, are the Star Trek books the stories they showed on Tv/movies are ABOUT the making of the show? I got confused...

    I hear you on the concern for it not being cold enough! We need a good hard long freeze to kill some pesky bugs, too

    1. The Star Trek books I read are ones that take place in between the shows and the movies. They just fill in details or develop story-lines that never got shown in the shows. The newer ones are just continuing on from where the shows/movies stopped.

  9. My allergies are already acting up, too. I can see the problem out my window -- the maple trees are blooming already!

    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. We had a bit of a snow last night, so the weather is just messed up!

  10. Aww, hope your allergies get better. I haven't read any Star Trek book in ages. I should check out some of the more recent ones. I love TNG!

    1. I love TNG, too. We have also been rewatching some of the episodes.

  11. I have had a cold for two weeks, just can't quite shake it! I watch start trek - TNG and Voyager being my favourites but I haven't ever read any of the books

    Wishing you a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. The books are a lot of fun. For Voyager there are books that came out after the show ended that fill in what happened after they came home.

  12. Am I missing the Mr. Linky for the poetry posts, or just too early?


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