Monday, September 07, 2009

Music Munday - A Call for Submissions

Howdy folks,

I ran out of volunteers for Music Munday. I could do all the posts myself, but I like it better when other people contribute. So, this is a post looking for participants.

Vanessa - September 14, 2009
Chris - September 21, 2009
Pussreboots - September 28, 2009
Michelle - ?
Suey - ?

Anyone else?

Here are the posts that have been contributed so far:

Week 1 - The Charming Comedian: Bang for your Buck
Week 2 - Vanessa: Top Five Albums Discovered in the Last 6 Months
Week 3 - Nymeth: Top Five Music Videos
Week 4 - Stephanie: Girl Power
Week 5 - Renay: Music That Has Made My Life Better: A Retrospective in Awesome Tunes on Monday
Week 6 - Chris: Michael Jackson
Week 7 - Heather: Soundtrack to her Summer
Week 8 - Me: Sons of Maxwell
Week 9 - Vasilly: Surviving With Music
Week 10 - Court: Cole Porter
Week 11 - Book Nut: Music and Memory
Week 12 - Me: My Musical Education (Thanks to the Charming Comedian)
Week 13 - Rachel: Broadway Plays


  1. Hey Kelly! If you need a volunteer, I can definitely sign up for one. My husband and I are heading to Raleigh the first weekend in October for a concert, so I think it is fitting. Just let me know!

  2. I'm really looking forward to hosting!

  3. I really am up for doing one. You just tell me the day and if there are any guidelines or whatever.


Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.